
The unique Keski-Suomi region is visible and developing

We have been a partner to Visit Jyväskylä Region in tourism marketing, strategic development, and increasing expertise.

Kuokkalan silta, Jyväskylä


Visit Jyväskylä Region is the official tourism organization responsible for tourism marketing and information services in the Jyväskylä region. Visit Jyväskylä Region coordinates and implements marketing initiatives for tourism in the Jyväskylä region and Central Finland. They foster collaboration among municipalities in the region and support the development of local tourism businesses.

Primarily, FlowHouse has been involved in the tourism marketing of the area with the aim of directing tourists to the products and services available on the Visit Jyväskylä Region website, increasing the visibility and recognition of the region, strengthening the brand message among target audiences, promoting year-round activities, and inspiring visitors. Developing the skills and expertise of local tourism businesses and representatives from Visit Jyväskylä Region has also been an important objective of the collaboration, which was facilitated through various training days.

What was done

The collaboration with Visit Jyväskylä Region has involved the following actions:

  • Planning and implementation of strategic tourism marketing campaigns both domestically and internationally.
  • Target audience definition.
  • Designing the content and structure of advertising campaigns on platforms such as Google and Meta.
  • Content creation for advertising and website purposes.
  • Establishing tracking systems and installing metrics.
  • Utilizing Looker Studio dashboard for data analysis.
  • Data-driven optimization of advertising.
  • Reporting on marketing efforts with development recommendations.
  • Assisting in the development of a new tourism strategy.
  • Conducting training days on topics such as data-driven decision-making, social media, digital marketing, and digital sales.

“We have successfully and consistently developed our digital marketing in collaboration with FlowHouse. The partnership has been smooth and flexible, and the results have been excellent. They have been a pleasant and professional team!”

Sini Tirronen & Tiia Masalin

Visit Jyväskylä Region


During our collaboration, we have successfully utilized digital marketing to enhance the visibility and recognition of Visit Jyväskylä Region. The brand message has effectively reached highly refined target audiences over the years. Both tourists and locals have been directed to the region’s website to find inspiration, seek additional information, and explore local businesses. Despite significant website updates and changes in analytics tools, precise tracking of the customer journey has been maintained and kept up to date. The training days have provided valuable insights and resources for the development of skills among local entrepreneurs and representatives.

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