
A visible Rovaniemi for all four seasons

FlowHouse has been a marketing partner of Visit Rovaniemi and has facilitated several digital tourism marketing activities.

Kuva Rovaniemen kaupungista


Visit Rovaniemi coordinates the tourism marketing of the Rovaniemi region and highlights the opportunities of the area in various target groups and markets. Rovaniemi’s winter is already internationally well-known, but there is potential for growth in other seasons. Through collaborative digital tourism marketing efforts, the aim has been to develop year-round visibility by increasing the visibility and awareness of Rovaniemi’s summer and autumn seasons and guiding tourists to explore the services and offerings in the region.

What was done

The collaboration with Visit Rovaniemi in digital tourism marketing has included the following activities:

  • Creating strategic marketing plans based on KPI workshops
  • Planning the content and structure of campaigns
  • Ensuring monitoring and analytics capability
  • Technical implementation of advertising through Google and social media platforms
  • Optimizing advertising based on data
  • Comprehensive reporting of results with development recommendations

In addition to the domestic market, the collaboration has targeted the following markets: Spain, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, India, and the United States.


distinct campaigns


target markets


distinct ad contents

29 mil.



The brand awareness of Visit Rovaniemi and the website traffic were increased in a cost-efficient manner, providing valuable data for further development. The directed website traffic through advertising has been of high quality, with a high conversion rate, and the region’s products have been viewed extensively. The collaboration has been efficient, seamless, and decisions have been driven by data.

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