
Growing online sales in nature tourism

We have been Natura Viva’s digital marketing partner since 2020


Natura Viva offers nature and outdoor activities in various locations in Southern Finland. The company’s most popular products include canoeing courses, rental of outdoor equipment, season passes, accommodation services, and corporate team-building events. The primary goal of digital marketing has been to enhance the brand awareness of Natura Viva and increase online sales.

What was done

The digital tourism marketing activities have been conducted through various channels and throughout the year. The collaboration has included the following measures:

  • Target audience identification
  • Strategic marketing plan based on a KPI workshop
  • Planning the content and structure of campaigns
  • Ensuring tracking and installation of analytics
  • Technical implementation of advertising using Google and social media advertising tools
  • Data-driven advertising optimization
  • Comprehensive reporting of results with seasonal and annual development recommendations

It’s enjoyable to work with professionals because you can trust that things will be done as agreed upon and the end result will be succesful.

Natura Viva team


Through digital marketing, we have successfully and cost-effectively increased brand awareness for Natura Viva, especially by reaching our target audience, which converts well on the website. With products being sold digitally, we track conversions and optimize advertising towards direct purchases. Ongoing and close collaboration, combined with Natura Viva’s own high-quality management of digital channels and content production, have enabled excellent strategic planning and continuous improvement over the years.

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