Miikka Raulo
I work at FlowHouse as an expert in developing and managing tourism businesses and destinations. My work focuses on strategic planning for growth, data-driven management, digital tourism marketing, and sales. Additionally, I create forward-facing plans such as tourism strategies, growth programs, and digital roadmaps. I also develop agile pilot projects in the field of new digital services and data-driven management. Examples of such projects include the “Successful Destination Management – Analysis Tool” and the “Digital Customer Experience Handbook for Destinations” that I implemented for Visit Finland in 2020. In my work, I utilize my facilitation toolkit and service design expertise to ensure that the perspectives and ideas of different participants are considered in a purposeful collaboration.
The implementation of plans often requires funding for development work. I have served as a preparer, project manager, and supervisor of project managers in numerous projects. Additionally, I have been involved in the leadership groups of dozens of projects and have worked as an expert in the leadership groups of funding programs. This extensive experience provides me with a solid foundation to assist our clients in creating project plans and developing successful business outcomes through projects. Since 2000, I have been involved in preparing projects with a total value of approximately 19.5 million euros.
My strengths lie in identifying new business opportunities and customer needs, creating effective strategies, and developing successful digital services and campaigns. I am passionate about tourism business, strategic thinking, and the possibilities of technology. My approach is strongly based on facts and creative thinking. I also believe in the importance of making tourism destinations meaningful.
Originally, my interest in tourism stemmed from its potential to bring well-being to developing countries, and I began studying tourism research at the University of Lapland in 1994. However, I was quickly reruited to work in tourism development, and thus I finally completed my long-overdue Master’s thesis in December 2022, titled: Digitaalinen transformaatio suomalaisen matkailutoimialan muutosvoimana. Kansallisten matkailustrategioiden sisällönanalyysi.
Miikka Raulo
Strategy, partner