Marko Filenius
Marko Filenius has had a long career in digital business and has gained extensive experience in expert and managerial positions. He has a particular interest in business strategies that differentiate and create competitive advantage through IT innovations. His passion lies in digital customer experience, for which he also published a book in 2015.
Data and understanding data play a crucial role in customer experience management. Customer experience can also be a strategic competitive advantage. Tridea Oy has developed the BisLenz software as a tool for measuring and managing customer experience. BisLenz is widely used among tourism destinations and businesses, covering a vast amount of data sources related to tourism.
Tridea Oy and FlowHouse Oy have been long-term partners in developing tourism business, and BisLenz enables the offering of more versatile and high-quality services to customers in the industry.
Marko Filenius
Tridea Oy, BisLenz & knowledge based leadership